As intuitive as you’d expect this to be, it is not and caused myself a bit of frustration setting this up. Visual Studio 2019 defaults the source control to the widely popular Git source control and our requirement was to set our source control to an on-premise TFS. The first step you need to do is
Read the full article hereYou may have noticed every time that you log into Dynamics 365 that you are getting the warning“Dynamics 365 for Outlook Deprecated”.This is because from the 1st of October 2020 the Dynamics 365 Client for Outlook has been Deprecated. You will only receive this warning if there are any active users
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.In this article I will introduc
Read the full article hereMy blog today covers a fringe case that we came across recently with one of our clients who needed to create a DocumentsCorePack (DCP) template on an invoice product record.By default, invoice product, quote product and opportunity product are not available to select when creating a new template or
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.In this article I will demonstr
Read the full article hereAs everyone in the Dynamics-verse (see what I did there? -#Dataverse), is well aware, we have had an alternative way to configure customisations in Dynamics 365 for some time now, namely the Power Apps Maker Portal. The traditional way was of course the classic Customisations module in Dynamics 365.
Read the full article hereBoss: Did you get any orders today? Salesman: Yes, I got two! Boss: Congratulations! What were they? Salesman: “Get out!” and “Stay out!” Source: insidesales.comTo sell means ‘to persuade someone of the merits of.’ I want to advocate for NOT selling. Rather, I want to propose that we help customers
Read the full article hereWhen you use ‘Get items’ action from Power Automate, it will bring back a list of items from your SharePoint List. This however can take a good amount of time for the Flow to run if you have a large number of items in your SharePoint List. On top of that this action is limited at 5000 items, which m
Read the full article hereIn Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series, I showed you how to create a bot and request information from the user. In the last part of this series, I will show you how to take this information and trigger an action to email the Customer Services team.Trigger Action1. Click the + Sign on the Message
Read the full article hereBack in 2016, I wrote a blog 10 things you may not know about immersive Excel.In the intervening years (wow, has it been that long?!) I’ve discovered a few more things about immersive Excel that may interest you. I’ve not managed another set of 10. Just 8 this time.Before we start, to refresh your m
Read the full article hereCanvas Apps enable makers to easily design and create custom layouts and themes using the low-code, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Canvas App designer. With embedded Canvas Apps, you can bring the power of Canvas Apps to your Dynamics 365 Model-Driven App forms. Canvas Apps are designed to b
Read the full article hereIn a previous blog I discussed how we can map what was formerly Microsoft Forms Pro (now Customer Voice) survey responses to a Dynamics 365 record. In this blog, I will go through how we can use the built-in variables in Customer Voice to pre-populate fields and more!In Customer Voice surveys, we ca
Read the full article hereContinuing on from my first blog about Power Virtual Agents, I showed you how to create a bot. In Part 2 of this series, I will show you how to request information from the user using the bot. I will continue to use the bot I created earlier however if you don’t have one, follow my first blog to set
Read the full article hereMicrosoft Dynamics 365 gives us the ability to merge duplicate records that are present in our system. With the new Wave 2 release, duplicate detection and merge capability have been enhanced to help enable organisations to maintain a clean database.This new feature enables users to merge a record b
Read the full article hereI recently was asked “What should we do with records owned by someone leaving the team?” If the records can’t be re-assigned to the person taking over the leaving team member’s role, there is the option to have them owned by the team until they can be reassigned. But to do this don’t forget:1. The t
Read the full article here