You should be customer-centric “The purpose of a business is to get and keep a customer. Without customers, no amount of engineering wizardry, clever financing, or operations expertise can keep a company going.” Theodore Levitt“The most important single thing is to focus obsessively on the customer.
Read the full article hereWhen working with Business Process Flows (BPF) you may want to keep the BPF stage aligned with field value(s) when being updated by web request or any other server-side operation. One scenario could be based on a records status reason, you may want to have the BPF stage reflecting that automatically
Read the full article hereWhen you create a new Power Automate Cloud Flow from within a Dataverse Solution, behind the scenes this Flow is being stored as a new row in the Process table for your Dataverse environment. If you’ve been using Dynamics 365 for a while, you’ll know this Process table is used for various types of p
Read the full article hereIn this video blog, I will explain some limitations of using a Text Input control in a Canvas App to enter and display numbers. I will then demonstrate how a Label, Text Input and Timer control may be configured and used together to allow the data entry and display of formatted numeric values in a C
Read the full article hereBest of bothHow to develop a CRM system is NOT a binary choice between in-house vs out-source. Rather it should be viewed as a continuum between fully designed, developed and supported with in-house staff (permanent and contractors) at one extreme and fully outsourced to a partner on the other. At M
Read the full article hereI recently had a customer who was using the parent/child Account functionality to describe the hierarchy of complex organisational hierarchies. You know the thing – ACME Global is the parent of ACME Europe, CME Asia and ACME America etc:They weren’t using the organisation chart functionality, which
Read the full article hereIn the PowerApps Portals admin center you are able to set up an allow list of IP Addresses that can access the portal via the Set up IP address restriction option.You can only add 1 address at a time, so what if you have to add a large number, like a few hundred or more?Using the Network Monitor in
Read the full article hereIn this blog I’ll be taking you over Record Creation and Update rules (RCUR) in the new UCI, how to create them, add actions and deploy them to a new environment. I’ll be emphasising the differences between the Unified interface RCUR’s and the old format and explore the use of Power Automate with RC
Read the full article hereWhen tracking email activities in Dynamics 365 via Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, you may have encountered this error message “This Email has been blocked due to potentially harmful content” in the past:Recently, Microsoft has added the SecuritySettingforEmail property into OrgDbOrgSettings which can
Read the full article hereIf you are the Dynamics 365 System Administrator for your organisation, sometimes there are issues or even potential risks when a user changes their personal settings. For example, if user changed their email tracking to all email messages, Dynamics 365 would track all the emails from your inbox and
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Power BI embedded Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.In this final
Read the full article hereIn a previous blog that one of my colleagues wrote, he showed you how to set up a free 30 day Dynamics 365 trial. However, when I tried this, the steps had changed in the new Unified Interface so in this blog I will show you how to set up this 30-day free trial version using the new process.1. Go to
Read the full article hereIn this blog, I will show you how to use the Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords endpoint, which I used to show or hide fields on a form based on whether a parent Account record had child Office records.To do this I used the following query:Now there are plenty of blogs explaining briefly how to use
Read the full article hereVirtual Entities allow you to display and interact with data from other systems inside Dynamics 365. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to read data from a RESTful API and present the information within a Virtual Entity.In this example, I am going to create a Virtual Entity called “Po
Read the full article hereAt Magnetism, we’re committed to the success of every one of our CRM projects. So we’re keen to verify whether we achieve our goal. But what is success and how do we measure it?What is project success? It might be subjective. “All things considered, I think it was OK.”It might be different for diffe
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