In Microsoft Dynamics 365, it is possible to provide access for Users to add and update the options in a Global Option Set without the need to assign them either the System Administrator or System Customiser Security Roles. Here’s how. Add these four permissions to an existing or new Security Role a
Read the full article hereIn the first part of this three-part series I will describe two methods by which a discount can be manually applied to a Quote/Order in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Orders and Quotes have the following fields that may be used to apply a discount: • Discount Percent: Is a manually applie
Read the full article hereIn the second part of this three-part series I will describe three methods by which a discount can be automatically or manually applied to Quote/Order Products. Quote/Order Products have the following fields that may be used to apply a discount: •Manual Discount Amount: Is a manually applied dollar
Read the full article here↩ Part 6 - Configure SLA Instance Business Logic in Dynamics 365 In this article, the final article, in this series I will describe how I tested the SLA and demonstrate the results of a basic test. The results show that although each of the SLA KPIs are started and stopped when required, the Applica
Read the full article here↩ Part 4 - Configure Forms/Views for SLA Instances in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Opportunity related SLA Instances with multiple SLA Items based on the SLA KPIs previously described in this series. In this approach the
Read the full article here↩ Part 3 - Configure KPIs for Custom SLA Instance in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure the forms and views for SLA Instances, SLA KPI Instances and Opportunities for displaying the SLA and SLA KPI Instance information. Configure SLA KPI Instance Quick View Form for us
Read the full article here↩ Part 5 - Configure Multiple SLAs with SLA Instance in Dynamics 365 In this article I will describe some business logic that needs to be implemented for Opportunities and SLA Instances for the effective operation of the Opportunity related SLA Instances related SLA described in this series. Configu
Read the full article here↩ Part 1 - Multiple SLAs with Different Dates in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure the SLA Instance entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In this approach the SLA KPIs are tracked against the SLA Instance rather than against the Opportun
Read the full article here↩ Part 2 - Create Custom SLA Instance Entity in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure a generic custom SLA KPI for use with SLA Instances in Dynamics 365 and how and why this differs dramatically from the approach used in my first series. In my first series I described the
Read the full article hereIn my previous series I demonstrated, ‘Configure SLAs for Opportunity in Dynamics 365’, I demonstrate how to enable Opportunities for SLAs and how to implement three SLA KPIs for Opportunities. This approach works well when the SLA KPIs on the same SLA are all Applicable From the same date and time.
Read the full article hereIn this series I will demonstrate how to enable Opportunities for Service Level Agreements (SLAs), configure multiple SLA KPIs, and create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with multiple SLA Items for use with Opportunities. This series will also demonstrate a limitation when some the SLA KPIs on the
Read the full article here↩ Part 6 - Configure Business Logic for SLAs in Dynamics 365 In this article, the final article, in this series I will describe how I tested the SLA and demonstrate the results of a basic test. The results show that although each of the SLA KPIs are started and stopped when required, the First Respo
Read the full article here↩ Part 5 - Using Multiple SLAs for Opportunities in Dynamics 365 In this article I will describe some business logic that needs to be implemented for Opportunities for the effective operation of the Opportunity related SLA described in this series. Configure Opportunity Business Logic For this scena
Read the full article here↩ Part 4 - Configure Forms and Views for SLA KPIs in Dynamics 365In this article I will demonstrate how to configure a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Opportunities with multiple SLA Items based on the SLA KPIs previously described in this series. Configure an SLA and Related SLA Items for Opportu
Read the full article here↩ Part 3 - Configure SLA KPIs for Opportunities in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure the forms and views for SLA KPI Instances and Opportunities for displaying the SLA and SLA KPI Instance information. Configure SLA KPI Instance Quick View Forms for use on Opportunitie
Read the full article here