In this article, I demonstrate using a DAX pattern named ‘Is On Or Before Highest Transaction Date’. This pattern may be used to prevent values from being calculated for dates in report that are higher than the highest date of the transactions being reported on. This pattern prevents you
Read the full article hereIn this article, I demonstrate using a DAX pattern named ‘Is On Or Before Highest Transaction Date’. This pattern may be used to prevent values from being calculated for dates in report that are higher than the highest date of the transactions being reported on. This pattern prevents you
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will describe some of the differences when using the Dataverse instead of the Dynamics 365 (Online), i.e., OData, connector in Power BI to retrieve data from Dynamics 365 (Online). When creating Power BI data models, I use a template data model that connects to Dynamics 365 (Onlin
Read the full article hereWhen configuring a Power BI data model, the addition of one or more new column to store a calculated duration between two Date/Time values in Days, Hours or Minutes, or perhaps just Total Hours, is sometimes required.This can be done by adding Custom Columns using Power Query or Calculated Columns u
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate two methods that may be used for transforming the Option Set Values in Option Set columns to their corresponding Option Set Labels when using an OData Feed to Connect Power BI to Dynamics 365. These methods may be used for any single-select Option Set column retri
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate several DAX formulas for Power BI that may be used to calculate whether a date falls within a Leap Year.Here is a table of dates showing the results for a set of dates. You will notice that:· If the Date is blank, then the result is False.· If the Date falls withi
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate the use of a Calculation Group to dynamically update the columns displayed by a matrix (i.e Pivot Table) visualisation in Power BI.The following image shows a page from a sample Power BI report. This page provides an analysis of Opportunities Estimated Revenue and
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate a simple method to format ‘(Blank)’ on a Data Card in a Power BI report as ‘0’ or ‘-’ rather than ‘(Blank)’.This image shows a page from a report in Power BI. Notice that the values displayed by the Data Cards for Open Revenue and Due to Close Revenue near the top
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate how to configure a Line and Stacked Column chart in a Power BI report to display Won Revenue and Open Revenue against Sales Targets and Target Remaining for Opportunities from Dynamics 365. This demonstration highlights a useful approach for using this type of cha
Read the full article hereIn this article, I will demonstrate how to dynamically align the end value for the Y axis between two corresponding charts in Power BI. This demonstration will use of the example of displaying Won sales versus Lost Sales by Fiscal Quarter.A common approach to comparing values, such as Won Sales vers
Read the full article hereIn this article I will demonstrate how to update the addresses for a Contact in Dynamics 365 using a Canvas App that is embedded in a Model Driven App Contract.This image shows the embedded Canvas App. The app is displayed on a tab named Addresses on a Model Driven App Contact Form. You learn how to
Read the full article hereIn this video blog, I will explain some limitations of using a Text Input control in a Canvas App to enter and display numbers. I will then demonstrate how a Label, Text Input and Timer control may be configured and used together to allow the data entry and display of formatted numeric values in a C
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Power BI embedded Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.In this final
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Power BI embedded Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.In this penul
Read the full article hereIn my first article of this series, I introduced a demonstration of a custom Power BI embedded Canvas App, named ‘Marketing List App’, that is used to create new or replace existing static Marketing Lists in Dynamics 365 populated with a list of Supporters selected in a Power BI report.The two most
Read the full article here