If you have Windows 10 then chances are that you also have Cortana, which is an Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistant. Cortana can perform many tasks like creating reminders, searching online with Bing, tracking flights, etc. This can all be done from the start menu using either your voice or i
Read the full article hereWhen implementing a Microsoft Dynamics CRM upgrade from on-premise to online, you may encounter unexpected business process errors when exporting an already upgraded CRM solution to import into Dynamics 365 online. The error dialog box won't provide you any log file or any trace of the broken item.
Read the full article hereExploratory testing is an approach that can be taken by a domain experienced tester when there are less documentation/requirements available and there is a limited amount of time for testing. Exploratory testing is not ad hoc testing but a considerate approach to ad hoc testing as documentation is p
Read the full article hereDocumentsCorePack is an add-on for document generation and management based on Dynamics 365 data. It uses XML like the out of the box Word Templates but has more functionality such as combining with workflows to produce documents automatically, sending documents via email automatically, produc
Read the full article here↩ Part 5 - Configure Multiple SLAs with SLA Instance in Dynamics 365 In this article I will describe some business logic that needs to be implemented for Opportunities and SLA Instances for the effective operation of the Opportunity related SLA Instances related SLA described in this series. Configu
Read the full article hereDynamics 365 v9 comes with improved Advanced Find where we can retrieve the records with no child record. However, due to Advanced Find limitations in Dynamics 365 v8 we do not have the ability to run such a query. Dynamics 365 Version 9 The Advanced Find query below shows how we can select Account
Read the full article here↩ Part 4 - Configure Forms/Views for SLA Instances in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Opportunity related SLA Instances with multiple SLA Items based on the SLA KPIs previously described in this series. In this approach the
Read the full article hereI have a user who has encountered an issue where, when they are viewing their Outlook Add-ins via the ‘Manage Add-ins’ page, the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook Add-in is missing. What was interesting is that Dynamics 365 has indicated that it has already been installed and has already been ‘Added to O
Read the full article here↩ Part 3 - Configure KPIs for Custom SLA Instance in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure the forms and views for SLA Instances, SLA KPI Instances and Opportunities for displaying the SLA and SLA KPI Instance information. Configure SLA KPI Instance Quick View Form for us
Read the full article hereAdaptive Cards are a great way to display an interactive card-like interface within applications like Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Bots and many more. The screenshot below shows a simple adaptive card which can be shown in different web chat channels and has a variety of text, an image and two buttons.
Read the full article here↩ Part 2 - Create Custom SLA Instance Entity in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure a generic custom SLA KPI for use with SLA Instances in Dynamics 365 and how and why this differs dramatically from the approach used in my first series. In my first series I described the
Read the full article hereWe recently ran into an issue where global search results for one of the entities wasn’t showing any data in the fields, for a system upgraded from CRM 2011 to Dynamics 365. The version of Dynamics 365 we used was Upon digging further into this issue, I figured out that no column was sel
Read the full article here↩ Part 1 - Multiple SLAs with Different Dates in Dynamics 365 In this article I will demonstrate how to configure the SLA Instance entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In this approach the SLA KPIs are tracked against the SLA Instance rather than against the Opportun
Read the full article hereMagnetism and our clients submit service requests to Microsoft for any issues and problems dealing with Microsoft Dynamics 365. These problems usually require investigation from Microsoft or are issues we have no control in resolving (which are becoming more prevalent as more clients are moving into
Read the full article hereIn my previous series I demonstrated, ‘Configure SLAs for Opportunity in Dynamics 365’, I demonstrate how to enable Opportunities for SLAs and how to implement three SLA KPIs for Opportunities. This approach works well when the SLA KPIs on the same SLA are all Applicable From the same date and time.
Read the full article here