Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

Roshan Mehta, 15 December 2014

In my previous post, we saw how to change the default logo image in Unified Service Desk. Today we’ll customize the application further by adding a toolbar to the top of the screen.

The toolbar will contain three buttons – Dashboards, Search, and Collaboration. The Collaboration button will act as a drop-down menu, whereby a user can choose to click on SharePoint or Yammer to collaborate. Note that the toolbar buttons will do nothing at this stage, but we will extend the functionality in upcoming blog posts.

Create a Toolbar Container Hosted Control

1.  In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, navigate to Settings -> Hosted Controls 
2.  Create a new Hosted Control of type Toolbar Container

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

Create a Toolbar and Toolbar Buttons

1.  In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, navigate to Settings -> Toolbars 
2.  Create a new Toolbar

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

3.  Now that the Toolbar has been created, we can start adding Toolbar Buttons by clicking on the + icon on the Buttons sub-grid. We want to create the following three buttons:

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

4.  Open up the record for Toolbar Button: Collaboration and select Toolbar Buttons from the navigation bar

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

5.  Create the following (nested) toolbar buttons:

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

Add the Toolbar to the Toolbar Container

The last step of the process is to actually tell Unified Service Desk to display the Toolbar and its buttons on screen. To do this, we need to create a link between our Toolbar Container Hosted Control and the Toolbar.

1.  Open up the Toolbar record and select Hosted Controls from the navigation bar

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

2.  Click on Add Existing Hosted Control and select the Toolbar Container

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk

Launch Unified Service Desk, and you will now see your toolbar and toolbar buttons displayed at the top of the screen.

Create a Toolbar in Unified Service Desk