Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 introduces a new Configuration Wizard for the Outlook Client. The process is pretty much the same as previous versions of Dynamics CRM, however the screens have been simplified.
When you run the Configuration Wizard, the first screen you will see will give you the option to enter the server for your CRM deployment. For example, if CRM is installed on a server called “CRMSVR”, you would simply type http://CRMSVR into the address box. Alternatively, you can pick CRM Online from the drop-down list for the online offering.
After entering the address for an on-premise deployment, you are then asked to select an organization to connect to. The organizations are displayed in a drop-down-list.
Choose an organization and then click on Select.
If you selected CRM Online, you are asked to enter your credentials.
That’s all there is to it. There are a few things to note about the installation and configuration stage. You now have to restart your computer after installing Dynamics CRM for Outlook. Also, you cannot launch the Configuration Wizard until you have set up an e-mail account inside Outlook.