A couple of great webinars for marketers…

Richard Penny, 21 November 2012

If you are keen to see how you can get your lead generation programmes really cranking, we highly recommend the webinars that the team at Click Dimensions run on a regular basis. There is one coming up on the 21st of November called Marketing Automation for Microsoft Dynamics CRM which gives a complete tour of the Click Dimensions functionality that you can add to your Dynamics CRM to natively manage key marketing tools such as email marketing, web tracking, surveys, lead scoring and newsletters.  

If you can’t make the early start for the live webinar, these sessions are often recorded and we will make them available for you where possible. 

One such session that we highly recommend for marketers who are looking to drive more sales leads is the Marketing Ideas Workshop that can be accessed here (note you will need the password 5050). This workshop has some great tips on:

• How to leverage your social media presence
• How to manage a content marketing programme that delivers quality leads
• Brand reinforcement through retargeting/remarketing 

…and many other great lead generation ideas. 

We will also be covering some of these topics in our breakfast session on the 11th of December so if you would like to see the tools in action and ask any questions you might have about how you can leverage your CRM to drive new leads for your sales teams we would love to see you. You can register for the event here.