Required Fields Missing Red Asterisk Symbol in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Paul Nieuwelaar, 28 September 2014

Recently we noticed a problem where some users were not seeing that a field was required in Dynamics CRM 2013. The field still behaved the same, and would display a notification if the field was left blank, however it simply would not show the red asterisk beside the field letting the user know the field is required.

There were also some other unusual looking things, such as boxes showing up around the social pane headings etc. This was happening on all browsers, but only for certain users.

Required Fields Missing Red Asterisk Symbol in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

As it turns out, there is a setting in Personal Options to ‘Enable high contrast’ which was doing this. It appears that the setting was on by default for certain users, possibly as a result of their browser or OS settings. The solution was to simply uncheck this option for each user.

Required Fields Missing Red Asterisk Symbol in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

You may have to clear the user’s browser cache to see the changes. Once that’s done though you should be able to refresh your form and see it normally again.

Required Fields Missing Red Asterisk Symbol in Microsoft Dynamics CRM