Dynamics CRM 2011 View Records Owned by My Team Members

Paul Nieuwelaar, 16 June 2013

In Dynamics CRM when looking at contact records, by default we have a view for “My Active Contacts” which displays all contacts assigned directly to our user. This is achieved by using the filter criteria “Owner - Equals Current User”. If we wanted to also see records owned by a team we are a member of (where the record is directly assigned to the team), we can use the condition “Owner - Equals Current User’s Team”. This can be used with the other condition and an OR grouping to display both records assigned directly to you, or directly to one of your teams.

 Dynamics CRM 2011 View Records Owned by My Team Members

Often team members will also want to see records assigned to other users within their team, not just the records assigned directly to them or their team. We can achieve this type of view by configuring our filter like the example below.

 Dynamics CRM 2011 View Records Owned by My Team Members

The important thing to note with this filter is the ‘Is Default’ field, which identifies teams that are automatically created for business units. Any custom teams you create yourself will have an ‘Is Default’ of ‘No’. I’ve excluded these teams from the filter as it would mean if you only have 1 business unit, everyone will be in the same team and will see all records anyway. If you have multiple business units and want to use default teams then you don’t need to add this additional check.

Unfortunately this filter criteria cannot be used together with the filter showing records assigned directly to the team, as we cannot use OR groups across multiple entities/joins. This can instead be created as its own view called something like ‘My Team Members Contacts’ for example. Note however that this WILL include records owned directly by you as well. If for any reason you wanted to exclude records owned by the current user, you could add another condition below the status filter for the contact where “Owner - Does Not Equal Current User”.

When looking at this view now, you will be able to see any records assigned to members of your team(s).