A few weeks ago, a blog was posted by David Sutton called CRM Masthead Customization, and it was explaining how to customize the masthead in CRM. However if you have multiple Organizations in your CRM environment, the masthead will be added to all Organizations, rather than having a unique masthead for each Organization.
Sebastiaan Klaver from Herke ICT Group came up with a solution to this, so that you can have different mastheads for each Organization in your CRM environment.
Sebastiaans method is described below:
To customize the header for MSCRM I used this blog post:
But i wanted to go further and have a custom masthead logo for each organization in my MSCRM enterprise environment.
To accomplish this you have to complete the following steps:
Of course this solution is not officially supported by Microsoft, but I think it’s a good way to play around and give MSCRM a more personal flavor ;-)
Follow Sebastiaan Klaver on Twitter.