Cleaning up your Users by Using Security Groups (Part 2)

Nick Chin, 01 July 2019

Following on from “Cleaning up your Users by Using Security Groups Part 1”, the previous blog covered the configuration of the Security Groups and setting Dynamics 365 to use a Security Group using the classic Admin Center interface.

Now I will cover the same feature by instead using the new ‘Power Platform Admin Center’ for Dynamics 365. As of the posting of this blog it is available for preview and will be rolling out soon.

1.    Open the Dynamics 365 Admin Center and click the Environment you want to change.


2.    In the new menu you can click Edit to change the “Security Group


3.    Click the image  button next to the “Edit Security Group


4.    Select the Security Group you want to use and click “Done


5.    Click “Save” to confirm the change.


6.    Now in Dynamics 365 the Enabled User will display only the users from the selected Security Group like below!
