CRM 2011: Import Error 0x8004D293 – opportunity_customer_accounts

Nathan Eccles, 16 July 2013

The release of the December 2012 Service Update and the introduction of Rollup 12 added a raft of new features to Dynamics CRM 2011, and changed the way a few things work.

One of the minor changes that was made with this update was to modify the CustomerId attribute on the Opportunity entity from System Required to Business Required.  

“The Opportunity.CustomerId attribute’s required level changes from system-required to application-required (referred to as business-required in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application), if you have Microsoft Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update with the Product Updates installed or your organization’s subscription began after December, 2012. In all other product installations and subscriptions, the required level for this attribute is system-required.” 

While this change is functionality irrelevant to the standard CRM user, it can throw an issue when attempting to import solutions from older rollups.

The error will look something like this;

 CRM 2011 Import Error 0x8004D293 opportunity customer accounts

With either an error on opportunity_customer_accounts or opportunity_customer_contacts. 

Looking at the log file you can see that the given Error Code is 0x8004D293 with the corresponding message of “Cannot update RequiredLevel of attribute CustomerId to SystemRequired”. 

Unfortunately there does not appear to be a one-time fix for this issue, and we are instead left having to manually update the XML code of the solution every time, as shown below;

 CRM 2011 Import Error 0x8004D293 opportunity customer accounts 

The simple way to go about this is to do a search for “opportunity_customer_” until you reach the code displayed above. From here, simply update the 2 underlined requiredlevel attributes from “systemrequired” to simply “required”. Save this, re-zip if required and your import should work smoothly. 

If you are constantly updating and deploying solutions like we here at Magnetism are this process can get a little tedious. To make our lives easier I have built a little tool which will do this process for you, all you need to do is run the tool and select the solution zip file.

This tool can be downloaded off codeplex – Opportunity CustomerId Fix