What to Look Out For When Connecting Facebook Lead Ads with Dynamics 365 using Zapier | Magnetism Solutions | NZ (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin)

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What to Look Out For When Connecting Facebook Lead Ads with Dynamics 365 using Zapier

Miguel Nepomuceno, 18 October 2017

Zapier is a web-based service that allows end users to integrate multiple web applications. By establishing connections called Zaps, users can connect various applications, as well as automate various tasks across 750+ apps. This blog will cover what to look out for , including considerations and limitations using Zapier when connecting Facebook Lead Ads into Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Zapier.

What Errors to Look Out For

There is an option to enter the Facebook Page ID manually which implies that the Facebook Page is not linked to the Facebook user account. It is important to note that the logged-in user needs to be set as a Page Admin to the Page being configured in the Zap. Zapier will fail any of the Trigger tests for Facebook Lead Ads if the connected Facebook user is not a Page Admin.


I noticed that when I tried to establish a connection into my destination CRM when clicking ‘Connect to an Account’ and entering the CRM domain, Zapier does not ask for my user credentials and automatically connects me. When I then retrieve the custom fields from Microsoft Dynamics 365, Zapier throws an error (screenshot below).


This error could be thrown because it is using incorrect user credentials that loaded in my cache when it is attempting to authenticate into the intended CRM instance. If this error occurs, attempt to establish the connection in Zapier to the intended CRM domain instance using InPrivate Browsing or in Incognito. Zapier this time asks me to enter my user credentials. The custom fields from Microsoft Dynamics 365 were then retrieved without a hitch.

Considerations and Limitations

Both Facebook Lead Ads and Microsoft Dynamics CRM are regarded as Premium Apps in Zapier. This will affect billing for the Zapier user account if you do decide to implement your automation from Facebook Leads to Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Zapier. The Free Plan currently does not allow Zaps for Premium Apps. The next Plan that allows Premium Apps is the Starter Plan with a minimum payment of $20 USD per month.


The type of Plan must be considered, as they can also have different impacts to automating your Zaps. It can affect how often each of your Zaps run, which can affect how often the Lead records get created in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The Autoreplay functionality is also another consideration. It is automatically triggered if a Task is supposed to run but does not. With Autoreplay, Zapier automatically retries the Task in case of failure, and in a way, provides a failsafe for your Zaps. If you are confident that your Zaps won’t fail and thus not have the Autoreplay feature, Zapier will send out email notifications for any failures. The Zap can then be rerun manually by the user.

Some of the more significant limitations with Zapier is that Triggers, Actions, and Searches are only limited to a few entities, and not custom entities. If you’re simply considering for an automation and integration tool that can go across entities other than Contacts, Accounts, Leads, and Opportunities in Microsoft Dynamics 365, then Microsoft Flow is an alternative. Although something to note is that Microsoft Flow currently cannot make any Flows with Triggers or Actions for Facebook Lead Ads.

Wrapping It Up

Zapier is an amazing tool to connect different applications and automating tasks between them. If you’re considering solutions on how to set up Zapier between Facebook Lead Ads into Dynamics 365, it is important to know what to look out for when configuring your Zaps. I hope this blog and this blog series provides you with a basic understanding on setting up connections between your Zaps.