On a Dynamics CRM project we had a requirement to show a simple static html page in the header of a contact form. We achieved this by adding the html page as a web resource to CRM and then using the insert web resource button to insert the page into the header. Pre Rollup 12 this worked fine, however once Rollup 12 was deployed to this project this solution encountered a problem.
While the html page is still loading fine on load of the form, once a user clicked on one of the left navigation items the html page would disappear, and would not return upon returning to the form.
Web resource before and after clicking on the More Addresses left hand navigation item.
To solve this we instead inserted an iframe that loaded the html page. Using the iframe method the html page does not disappear when clicking on items in the navigation pane. However in Rollup 12 and onwards the hide scrollbars property of the iframe appears to not function as it did, causing scrollbars to appear on the iframe even if it was set to true. This is caused by 7px of padding added by the ms-crm-Field-Data-Print CSS class, so it is possible to override this padding and remove the unnecessary scrollbar. However this is an unsupported customisation.
The offending CSS