Ways to access Dynamics CRM 2011 in a kiwi context

Huniyer Hovich, 16 September 2012

Ways to access Dynamics CRM 2011 in a kiwi context 

Last week I entertained some clients that were in Auckland for TechEd week. One of the topics we discussed was the much anticipated and delayed R8 release, which amongst other new features will support cross browser functionality for Dynamics CRM 2011. We joked about how we weren’t really in a hurry, because these types of advances will mean that soon there will be an end to toilet breaks as employers scramble to set up hotdesks in their toilet cubicles. But all joking aside, having the ability to access your Dynamics CRM from just about anywhere (and R8 is aptly nicknamed ‘CRM anywhere’) does have some benefits to helping everyday employees achieve efficiency and gain flexibility around work and home. Excluding the enhancements R8 has to offer, let’s explore what’s possible now. 

Scenario one – child is sick and you draw the short straw to stay home

The standard offering of 5 sick days per annum doesn’t really cut it when you have to take time off for sick children. But with Dynamics CRM Web Client you can access your CRM from home using your PC or laptop. The only requirement is Internet Explorer (version 7 or higher) and you will have complete and full access. If you have internet access take your laptop to the doctor’s office and carry on working while you’re in the waiting room. I’m sure this is a better alternative to watching a bunch of sick people cough and splutter for an hour. 

Scenario two – you have to see a client based in the wop wops and it’s not practical to print a trees worth of documents ‘just in case you need to refer to it’

CRM for Outlook Offline Client has the same full access as the Web Client in scenario one, but it’s integrated to the Outlook interface. In simple terms this means that you can work in Outlook and your CRM as a single combined application with the same look and feel, as opposed to navigating between two unrelated applications. The beauty of the Offline Client for those of you that work in remote areas is you have the ability to download data locally to your computer and can access that data when not connected to your CRM server. You can then synchronise the changes you made while disconnected back to the CRM server when you are connected to your server again.

Scenario three – you need access through a mobile device because that’s how you roll. 

Mobile Express comes out of the box and was designed for access through mobile devices. It allows for basic functions like searching for contacts, adding leads and editing opportunities, but for more powerful functionality and a more familiar user experience you need to seriously consider an add-on solution called CWR mobility http://www.cwrmobility.com/mobile-crm/microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011-4-3-online

Ever had those horrible moments where you just realised you forgot to update something really important for tomorrow but you just realised it at 2am in the morning and now you’re stuffed as you’re getting on a plane in a couple of hours? It’s those types of moments where I thank a higher being for giving someone the foresight to come up with this kind of accessibility as it has saved my bacon on a number of occasions.  

Image from: http://3gdoctor.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/how-can-i-put-tablets-into-my-busy-waiting-room.jpg