CRM 2011 Highlight and Copy from a Grid View

Gayan Perera, 31 January 2011

CRM 2011 Highlight and Copy from a Grid View

One of the annoying things with CRM 2011 is the inability to copy paste data from a grid view, the ability to highlight a record or a cell has been disabled. I’m sure there was a good reason but we need this functionality.

Here is a work around if your deployment is on-premise.

1. Open up the CRMWeb\_static\_common\scripts\global.js file in a text editor

2. Find this line of code (line # 6902)
Mscrm.GlobalEvents.$4Z_0 = function Mscrm_GlobalEvents$$4Z_0() {

You’ll notice that there are a bunch of if statements checking to see if you’re trying to highlight a specific element. So what we want to do now is to make the smallest possible change to bypass the check.

3. Run your eye across the if statements until you find ‘ms-crm-Field-Data-Print

4. Change it to ‘ms-crm-List-DataCell’, what we’ve just done is excluded cells of grids and enabled highlighting.
