Using Microsoft Power BI Report Builder to create Power BI Paginated Reports

Colin Maitland, 18 November 2019

In this article, I briefly describe the steps for creating a Power BI paginated report, connected to a published Power BI Dataset, using the Microsoft Power BI Report Builder.

The following image shows the top level of a multi-level paginated report built using the Power BI Report Builder.

You can download the Power BI Report Builder from

This report connects to a published Power BI Online Dataset named Opportunities Analysis Data Model (Advanced). This Dataset consists of a Data Model based on Opportunities and related dimensions from Dynamics 365. The Data Model was created and published using Power BI Desktop.

You can connect a report you are creating using the Power BI Report Builder to a published Power BI Online Dataset if you have a Professional or Premium subscription.

You can connect the report to a published Data Model from within the Power BI Report Builder by right-clicking on Data Sources, selecting the Add Power BI Dataset Connection option, selecting the Workspace to which the Data Model was published, and then selecting the Data Model as shown in the following images:

The Data Model connected to by this Data Source consists of a Star Schema that includes Dimension and Fact tables, Calculated Columns and Measures.

After connecting to the Data Model, you can add and configure one or more Datasets to the report. This report includes a Dataset named Opportunities. The query for this Dataset includes fields from the Account and Date dimensions, and the Opportunities fact tables in the Data Model.

You can add a Dataset to the report from within the Power BI Report Builder by right-clicking on Datasets, selecting Add Dataset…, selecting the Data Source, and then using the Query Designer to design the query. The query includes Fields, Options, Filters and Parameters.

You can then build the report using the various components available from within the Power BI Report Builder.

The report, when saved, is saved as a Report Definition File (RDL) file.

The report can be run from the Power BI Report Builder or uploaded to the Power BI Online Service. If you upload the report to the Power BI Online Service, you may then share it with other users. Note: You are only be allowed to upload a Power BI paginated report to the Power BI Service if your subscription includes Premium Capacity.

When viewing the report, there are various options for printing and exporting it. One difference between printing or exporting a report created using the Power BI Report Builder versus one created using Power BI Desktop is that all records selected by the report are printed or exported. With reports created using Power BI Desktop only those records visible on the screen at the time of printing are printed.

In conclusion, creating the reports using the Power BI Report Builder is an option if you require paginated reports, and your subscription includes premium capacity.