In this blog I will discuss the options provided in the Microsoft Dynamics Connector for Mapping Destination fields. There are five options. The following screenshot shows the three most common options. A fourth option is to not Map selected Destination fields and a fifth option is to Map all Destination fields using a single shortcut.
When mapping Option Set fields it is important that values from the Source Option Set can be mapped to corresponding values in the Destination Option Set. This can be done by Mapping the field, Mapping the Name or by Mapping the Value. The following screenshot shows an example of the Mapping options for the Address 1: Address Type Option Set field in the Contact Entity. In each case any of the Mapping options may be used; I.e. Map to a Source Field, Use a Constant, Use a Function and Do Not Map.
The following screenshot shows an example where each Destination field has been individually Mapped for the Contact Entity.
For example: The following screenshots show the sequence of steps to be completed for Mapping the Address 1: Country/Region field.
• Map Destination Fields Individually Using A Function. The following screenshot shows an example where a function has been used. In this case the Trim function has been used to remove leading and trailing occurrences of white space from the fields the function has been applied to.
When mapping fields using functions you will be prompted to provide the function arguments that the function requires. In the case of the Trim() function only one function argument is required. The following screenshots show the steps to use the Trim function with the Address 1: Country/Region field.
Some functions require a single function argument and other functions require multiple function arguments. For example, the GetFormattedPhoneNumber() function, which builds a standard US Phone Number using the separators provided, requires up to eight function arguments to be provided.
There are a number of functions available. These are categorized into six categories as follows:
• Date. There are 21 predefined Date functions. The following screenshot shows some of these:
• String. There are 27 predefined String functions. The following screenshot shows some of these:
There are also Connector specific functions as shown in the following screenshot: