In my previous blog I described how to create a Goal to measure the progress of Sales Representatives in completing Appointments organised on their behalf by Telemarketing Representatives. In this blog I will describe how to create a Goal to measure the progress of a Telemarketing Representative in organising these Appointments on behalf of Sales Representatives.
This Goal is more complex to configure because the Owner of the Appointment is the Sales Representative who will complete the Appointment rather than the Telemarketing Representative who organised the Appointment, as shown in the following screenshot. This particular Appointment has been organised by Mark Hamilton on behalf of Angela Richardson.
If the owner of the Appointment was set to the Telemarketing Representative we could simply create a Goal for Mark Hamilton in the same way that we created a Goal for Angela Richardson, as described in my previous blog, by simply setting the Goal Owner to the Owner of the Appointment, Angela Richardson, using the default Record Set for Rollup option of Owned by Goal Owner, also Angela Richardson, and using the Sales Appointments Goal Metric described in Part 7 of this series.
To configure a Goal for our Telemarketing Representative, Mark Hamilton, to measure his progress in organising Appointments on behalf of any Sales Representatives, we need to set the Goal Owner to Mark Hamilton but use the All, rather than the Owned by Goal Owner, Record Set for Rollup option. In conjunction with using the All option we also need to create and use a Rollup Query to select the Appointments organised by Mark Hamilton rather than those owned by Mark Hamilton. This Goal will use the Telemarketing Appointments Goal Metric described in Part 7 of this series.
The following instructions describe how to create the Rollup Query.
1. Select Rollup Queries from either the Sales or the Service areas on the Site Map and then click the New button.
3. Set the Entity Type. E.g. Appointment.
4. Configure the Query Criteria. E.g. Created By Equals Mark Hamilton and Owner Does Not Equal Mark Hamilton. It would be nice to configure the Query Condition to Organiser Equals Mark Hamilton. However, the Organiser is not available for selection but this can be worked around by substituting Created By. Including the second Owner Does Not Equal Mark Hamilton condition ensures that any Appointments owned by Mark are excluded.
5. Click Save & Close. The following screenshot shows the Rollup Query.
The following instructions describe how to create the Goal.
1. Select Goals from the Site Map and then click the New button.
In conclusion the simple configuration of a Goal allows you to configure a Goal that measures the performance of the Goal Owner by calculating the Actual and In Progress totals of related records, such as Appointments, for a selected Time Period, owned by the Goal Owner. A Goal Metric must also be used to configure which records are totalled toward the In Progress verses the Actual totals based on criteria such as Status and Status Reason. If required, the Goal Metric also defines which field to use for calculating sums. More complex Goals that require the selection of records, other than All records, or those Owned by the Goal Owner, also require the use of a Rollup Query.