At Magnetism we try to minimize data entry as much as possible, it makes everyone happy. While working on a lending application we found that the clients’ application required the customers’ bank name and the branch name. If the customer is anything like me I wouldn’t have a clue where my branch was, it was opened over 14 years ago…
New Zealand Bankers’ Association keeps an up to date list (list gets updated on the 1st of every month) of all the bank members. You can get the list from
How does it work?
Very simple, you enter the bank account number, when you tab away the add-on will automatically verify the bank account number using a bank account number validation algorithm then call a web service to grab the bank and branch.
See a demo by clicking on the URL below (I promise I won’t steal your bank account number).
If you’d like this add-on or would like to re-use the component/c# code, contact us using the contact us button below.