Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1 - Error Updating SharePoint Site Absolute URL

Gayan Perera, 11 August 2015

We recently encountered an error with an online instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1, where the web interface was hanging when trying to change the absolute URL of a SharePoint Site record. The progress spinner would say “Saving…” and would just keep spinning without a result or any error.

Microsoft support is still looking into this error. In the meantime our workaround was to write a little console application using the CRM SDK to change the value.

// var sdk = connect to crm...etc Entity update = new Entity("sharepointsite"); // guid of the sharepoint site you'd like to update update["sharepointsiteid"] = a.Id; // by setting this to true you'll set all other records to false update["isdefault"] = true; update["absoluteurl"] = "enter new absolute url here"; sdk.Update(update);